
Career Choices for the Philosophical Innovator INTP

people holding each others hands

1. Why Personality Type Matters in Your Career Choice

2. The INTP Personality Type

3. INTP Personality Functions

4. INTP Motivations and Values

5. INTP Personality Strengths

6. INTP Personality Weaknesses

7. The INTP at Work

8. INTP Leadership

9. INTP on a Team

10. INTP Personality Career Choices

11. INTP Careers to Avoid


Your INTP Personality Type and Your Career

Knowing yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses is one of the strongest tools you will use to make a solid career choice. If you are an INTP personality type, you’ll save yourself time and energy looking for the right choice. And, you’ll avoid ending up in a job that makes you unhappy.

INTPs pride themselves on their unique perspectives and innovative thinking. In their minds, they can’t help but wonder about the mysteries of life. This may explain why some of the most influential philosophers and scientists throughout history have been INTPs. INTPs have a unique personality type that is somewhat rare, but they aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd with their creativity and inventiveness.

INTPs often lose themselves in thought, which isn’t necessarily bad. People with this personality type rarely stop thinking. The moment they awake, their minds are filled with ideas, questions, and insights. They’re energized by the chance to exchange ideas or share ideas with another curious mind.

In this article, we’ll look at your personality traits and then tie them to careers that match your best talents.

Man using Macbook

Why Personality Type Matters in Your Career Choice

Your personality type influences not only what career you choose but your comfort in the business culture, your job performance, your strengths and weaknesses, and your job satisfaction.

Ensure you complement your future work associates by knowing the talents you bring to the team. Compatibility is crucial for your department to encourage team cohesion and enhance performance. You work best when you fit in the culture.

Having a career that complements your personality will help you achieve your best job performance and boost your business performance.

Recognizing your weaknesses can enable you to identify areas that need improvement. Your strengths will determine the career path where you should excel, but you may also learn how to reduce your weaknesses. So, you should develop an action plan that addresses these gaps.

The more chemistry you have with colleagues and greater productivity, the higher career satisfaction you achieve. Due to tasks and assessments that are specific to both your strengths and personality traits, you become more confident in your abilities, giving you a more positive attitude about your career.

Your feeling of value as a worker also increases workplace happiness.

Additionally, when employees’ values align with the company’s values, they often feel more comfortable in the workplace and more committed to their role.

people before a desktop

The INTP Personality Type

Philosophical innovators, INTPs are fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and design. Theories are their concern, and they try to locate the universal law behind everything they see. They want to understand the unifying themes of life, in all its complexity.

Because INTPs are deeply absorbed in thought, they can seem oblivious to the world around them. While they are exploring concepts, forming connections, and finding out how things work, they spend most of their time thinking about things in their own heads. Life is an ongoing inquiry into the mysteries of the universe according to INTP.

INTP Personality Functions

INTP is one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, creators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INTP stands for Introverted, INtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving, which are four core personality traits derived from the work of psychologist C.G. Jung.

Introverted – energized by time alone
INtuitive – focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details
Thinking – makes decisions based on logic and reason
Perceiving – prefers to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organized

INTPs are sometimes referred to as Architect, Logician, or Objective Analyst personalities because of their intuitive understanding of complex systems.

INTP Motivations and Values

Despite having a cool exterior, INTPs are passionate about reason, analysis, and innovation. To unify the principles they observe in their environments, they aim to create complex systems of understanding. When it comes to problems that are complicated and active, they will go to great lengths to develop innovative solutions.

Generally, INTPs are non-traditional and will reason out their own way of doing things rather than follow the crowd. As a result, the INTP is suspicious of assumptions and conventions and wants to break apart ideas taken for granted by others. When it comes to analyzing concepts and beliefs, INTPs are merciless and hold little value in established thinking. Other people who remain loyal to an ideology that does not make sense baffle them.

People meeting in the office

INTP Personality Strengths

Analytical Brilliance. Because they think quickly and are supremely logical, INTPs bring strong analytical skills to any situation. It all happens inside their head, so others may not know what is happening there. As a result, they are proficient at analyzing connections between seemingly random material or finding flawless explanations to problems that disorient most other personalities.

Objective. INTPs are respected for their pursuit of truth, objectivity, and understanding. By doing so, they focus on eradicating errors and eliminating inconsistencies. As a result, they do this not only for their own personal enjoyment, but because they see it as their main contribution to the world.

Imaginative. INTPs think about how systems and products function and how they might be improved. They think deeply about theories. It is natural for them to see things differently than others because they have imaginations that are actively focused on future possibilities.

Enthusiastic. Although they may seem withdrawn and private, the INTP may emerge when a topic piques their interest. They can be extremely enthusiastic about discussing possibilities. The excitement makes them great fun. In the right company, INTPs are keen to express their imaginative sense of humor and enjoy being playful with people, who they can trust.

INTP Personality Weaknesses

Uncertainty. Although they have enormous intellectual prowess, INTPs often fear failure, afraid that they will overlook a critical aspect of their theory, invention, or idea. This causes them to become self-conscious and waste time and energy second-guessing themselves. 

Absent-Minded. Think of  INTPs as “absentminded professors.” At their worst, they can be scattered and disorganized. High-minded and intellectual, they get caught up in their own brains and don’t understand the low-level tedium of the present, such as bills or deadlines. They may fail to meet even the basic expectations of daily life. 

Condescending. INTPs can be condescending and critical, to opponents or those who simply don’t catch on as quickly as they do. A constant pursuit of truth and objectivity can provoke brutality and impatience as they are driving home their own perspective. In relationships where logic isn’t always dominant, this can be particularly harmful. 

Insensitive. INTPs can find themselves in trouble because they will prioritize the activities they perform in their minds over others’ needs. They comfortably inhabit their imaginations, which can lead to problems. INTPs get so wrapped up in their own theories and abstractions that they forget any kind of emotional consideration. They can easily offend by focusing on ideas and logic while neglecting personal considerations.

man discussing while holding a pen

The INTP at Work

The INTP strives to solve complex problems in an innovative way at work. INTPs enjoy analyzing ideas and systems to create a deep understanding and develop creative solutions to highly abstract problems.

INTPs rarely care about organizational traditions, preferring to shape their own path to innovation. They dislike bureaucracy and rules and are often more in tune with the theoretical soundness of their ideas than with practical applications. They prefer to concentrate on designing the idea and leave the tedious details of implementation to someone else.

INTPS prefer working independently or with a small team of colleagues, they consider smart, competent, and logical. They tire of colleagues who are overbearing or aggressive and are dismissive of people who aren’t as clever as they are.

An ideal organization for an INTP is flexible, non-traditional, and values ingenuity above conformity. An INTP’s ideal job is to solve complex theoretical or technical problems in creative, novel ways.

INTP Leadership

In leadership roles, INTPs inspire others with their intelligence and innovative ideas. On the surface, INTP leaders typically appear unassuming, but those who talk about their ideas catch everybody’s attention. In general, they allow their teams a lot of flexibility, choosing to set the overall goal and trust them to solve problems autonomously.

INTPs are interested in exploring new possibilities and engaging in creative problem solving, but they may get so caught up in the world of ideas that they neglect to lead their teams into action. They may have a hard time hashing out details and often leave it to someone else to determine precise specifications. They lead best with competent, intellectually driven teams that can describe complex ideas and fill in the details to build realistic plans of action.

People discussing beside a desktop

INTP on a Team

INTPs are thoughtful, analytical members who contribute to the understanding of complex problems. Often, they are most interested in the theoretical questions behind a team’s goal. They may help the group identify key principles and brainstorm innovative ideas. They tend to engage with the team’s vision, analyzing it rationally and objectively, and offering possibilities and options.

INTPs are best positioned to be creative when they are given the freedom to analyze logical problems in an original way. They can come up with creative solutions, but don’t put much stock in the established way of doing things. Those who remain extremely loyal to tradition may encounter friction with the INTP. They are independent thinkers, more interested in debating ideas than making small talk. Too much time spent on pleasantries may leave them impatient, and it may put off team members seeking a more personal touch.

INTP Personality Career Choices

Professionals who are INTPs are first of all thinkers, and this quality is evident in their choice of career paths. While INTPs can be found in a wide range of fields, a happy and satisfied INTP is generally found in a career that allows them to use their intellect, analyze concepts, and think deeply.

This personality type thrives in a challenging, unpredictable world of technology. Many INTPs are creative and seek an artistic motive for their career. INTPs are particularly drawn to areas with a touch of science or technology, for instance, architecture or graphic design.

Some examples of career choices for INTPs:


  • Computer Network Architect
  • Computer or Information Research Scientist
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Network or Computer Systems Administrator
  • Software Developer


  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Architect
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Landscape Architect
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineering Technician
Software Engineer using Laptop


  • Anthropologist 
  • Archaeologist
  • Economist
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Epidemiologist
  • Medical Scientist
  • Microbiologist
  • Physicist or Astronomer
  • Political Scientist
  • Psychologist
  • Urban or Regional Planner
  • Mathematician
  • Statistician
  • Physician or Surgeon

Business and Law

  • Accountant or Auditor
  • Financial Analyst
  • Management Consultant
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Top Executive
  • Actuary
  • Lawyer
  • Sales Engineer

Arts and Language

  • Music Director or Composer
  • Producer or Director
  • Graphic Designer
  • Industrial Designer
  • Multimedia Artist or Animator
  • Photographer
  • Technical Writer
  • Writer or Author
  • Professor or College Instructor
Engineers in Sound Studio

INTP  Careers to Avoid

Any type of personality can be successful in any occupation. The fact is that some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the INTP, while other job roles demand thinking and behavior that do not come naturally to INTPs. If an INTP operates outside their natural preferences, they may become stressed and drained. These jobs may be unattractive to INTPs considering a career change.
  • Dental Hygienist
  • Public Health Nurse
  • Dental Assistant
  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Dietitian
  • Corrections Officer
  • Religious Educator
  • Teacher’s Aide
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Recreation Worker
  • Cosmetologist
  • Retail Salesperson
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Sales Manager
Female business partners

Career Choices for the INTP

Finding the best career for an INTP personality type demands a close look at personal preferences. Because an INTP can succeed in many jobs in a variety of industries, understanding your core values and priorities will help you narrow the field.
Because the INTP personality has so many career choices, you’ll want to narrow the choices that match your individual talents, skills, and mindset. One of your strong assets is coming up with new ways to implement a solution.
The US at Work posted advice for innovators in their career search, underscoring how innovators approach creation:
One aspect that all innovators have in common is the ability to view situations or issues from alternative perspectives. Instead of creating what is already in demand, they may invent a product that people did not know they needed.
Pay attention to your gut feeling, because you’ll be working on a daily basis. Just because your analytical skills are top notch and could be an auditor, don’t forget you like working for the future. You might be happier as an environmental scientist.
If you are challenged with choosing the next step in your career, Elevanation will help you sort through your INTP career choices. We’ll clarify your personal preferences, look at your skills, and help you take the next step to success. Schedule your free action call to supercharge your career now.

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