
Ambivert vs. Omnivert : Differences & Challenges

girl sitting on a wooden chair

1. Introverts & Extroverts Communication

2. How Introverts Process Information?

3. How Extroverts Process Information?

4. What is an Omnivert?

5. What is an Ambivert?

6. Ambiverts Vs. Omniverts

7. Ambiverts Vs. Omniverts; Challenges & Benefits

8. Ambiverts & Omniverts in Relationships

9. Which one are you?

10. Can you change your type?

Trying to Figure If You’re an Ambivert or an Omnivert?

If you don’t identify as either an introvert or an extrovert, you might be either an ambivert or an omnivert. Depending on situational context, ambiverts and omniverts can switch back and forth between introversion or extroversion.

asian woman smiling while standing at the door

How Do Introverts and Extroverts Communicate?

Introverts and extroverts process information differently. Here are some of the key components of how they communicate.

  • Introverts listen more than they speak, while extroverts tend to talk more than listen.
  • Extroverts tend to share information as it comes to them, while introverts tend to pre-think before speaking or sharing.
  • Extroverts learn through verbal explanations and demonstrations, while introverts prefer written materials and their own mental modeling of a subject. 
  • Introverts tend to recharge by being alone, while extroverts recharge by being with people.
  • Introverts prefer to communicate one-on-one or in small groups, while extroverts communicate best in large group settings. 
  • Introverts tend to think before speaking and often struggle with improvising, while extroverts more easily pick up on things as they go along. 
  • Extroverted leaders are able to improvise more easily than introverted leaders. 
  • Extroverts prefer to solve problems by discussing them with others, while introverts can complete tasks independently and tend not to need input from others.
two multi-cultural students smirking at a guy

Is the Introvert-Extrovert Debate Missing Something?

According to Carl Jung, psychic energy or “libido” is divided into two main categories: introversion and extroversion. Jung believed that each of us is born with a predisposition toward one or the other, although psychological type (i.e., who we are) is not determined solely by our preferences; instead, it’s shaped by life experiences.

couples joining their hands for a picture

How Introverts Process Information?

Introverts tend to be highly sensitive, which means they notice everything. They process information internally and make connections exceptionally quickly. By contrast, extroverts tend to be less observant because they receive less input than introverts. To compensate for this disadvantage, extroverts often act before actually processing the situation at hand.

Introverts think before they speak, while extroverts tend to speak first and then reflect on or even edit their thoughts later. Because introverts tend to process information internally, they may be more focused on accuracy than expediency, which is typically more critical to extroverts. Introverts are most comfortable processing facts, while extroverts tend to focus on the possibilities of facts. This is why introverts prefer details and facts, while extroverts enjoy abstractions and concepts (again: “no right or wrong”).

group of friends posing on a mountain

How Extroverts Process Information?

For extroverts, thinking happens externally. They are most comfortable with possibilities and abstractions because their thought process is less introspective (more external). While this may sound like an advantage for the extrovert, it can also be a disadvantage to miss important details or fail to digest the information before speaking or acting upon it accurately. 

Extroverts are most comfortable with processes, while introverts prefer procedures. This is why extroverts can improvise more easily than introverts; they don’t need to think before they act. 

Introverts, on the other hand, typically cannot think on their feet or speak off the cuff without having ample time to plan what they’re going to say.

Both ambiverts and omniverts show introvert and extrovert characteristics to varying degrees, but unless you know the detailed differences, it’s hard to say you’re one over another.

So how can you tell if someone is an omnivert or an ambivert?

woman standing beside a cupboard

What Is An Omnivert?

Omniverts can be an introvert sometimes and an extrovert at other times. It’s not unusual to see an omnivert partying and being super social one night and then becoming socially isolated for a few days afterward.

The truth is that omniverts need people, so let their extrovert side shine through. They also tend to need time to recharge by themselves.

At the same time, if they have to face a situation that can be socially overwhelming, they may appear more introverted. You might see an omnivert hanging out with friends at both ends of the personality spectrum, depending on what they need at the time.

woman reading information on a computer

What Is An Ambivert?

Ambiverts can switch their personality to an introvert or an extrovert, depending on the situation. They are neither extraordinarily social nor highly introverted. Ambiverts tend to find their “social comfort zone” based on the situation they’re in and how much time they’ve had to recharge since their last social interaction.

They are similar to omniverts in that they also go back and forth between being extroverted and introverted. These personalities are capable of adapting to situations and make excellent salespeople.

Someone with an ambivert personality is naturally engaging in conversations in both talking and listening. They’re capable of being assertive and enthusiastic in addition to being able to listen and understand customers. Ambiverts also tend to appear more approachable instead of being overly confident or dismissive.

As ambiverts adapt quickly to different situations, they’re flexible, intuitive, and typically have more successful engagements with other people.

couple sitting on a couch

Ambiverts vs Omniverts

Think back to a recent social gathering. Did you spend more time interacting with some people than others? If so, that’s a sign of ambiversion. Ambiverts fall somewhere in the middle of the introversion-extroversion spectrum. They know when to speak and when not to, and they use social cues to guide their interactions with others.

Omniverts aren’t on either end of the spectrum for long; they easily switch from one mode to another depending on what is going on around them.

friends singing together at a beach

Key Differences Between Ambiverts and Omniverts

So you’re not an extrovert or an introvert all the time, but the question is, how can you tell where you fall? There are some key differences between them to distinguish one from the other, so identifying your patterns of behavior is critical in determining which one fits you better.

Where Do You Fall On The Personality Spectrum?

While both ambiverts and omniverts experience introvert and extrovert behaviors, it can be difficult to tell where you fall. The first question to ask yourself is, do you stay balanced between the extremes, or do you go back and forth between the extremes?

Ambiverts are in between both and tend to stay steadily in the middle. They bring these traits to every situation, allowing them to process information as they listen and, in turn, speak with enthusiastic confidence.

Omniverts, on the other hand, go from one end to the other end of extroversion to introversion. What they need depends on which extreme they visit.

What Drives Your Extroversion?

Ambiverts and omniverts are more mixed in their personality traits than others. The difference here is that external factors require extroversion. The ambivert will adapt to the social demands of the situation.

Omniverts are extremely different in this regard. Their internal needs dictate which direction their personalities will go. If an omnivert needs people, they’ll look and act exactly like an extrovert. If they’re in a place where they need to recharge, they’ll appear to be classically introverted.

Can You Identify Your Modes?

This is an interesting concept because omniverts look like extroverts on the outside. You can’t help but notice they’re extroverted. When they’re on the other end of the spectrum, they’re introverted, and it’s obvious. You will never see an in-between or balance with an omnivert.

Ambiverts, on the other hand, don’t have obvious extrovert or introvert modes and instead alter their approach depending on if the situation calls for it. They hold the balance and can be on either side at any moment.

Do You Change By The Day?

Consider the MBTI assessments. You are likely an ambivert if you identify with both the I and E in similar personality types, like INFJ vs. ENFJ. You probably also feel like a hybrid more often than not. 

Alternatively, if you take an MBTI personality test and it comes up as an INTP one day when you’re feeling introverted and then an ENTP when you’re feeling extroverted, then you’re probably an omnivert. At times, you’ll identify with one more than the other, depending on where you are.

How Emotionally Stable Are You?

So this question is something to seriously ask yourself because this gives a pretty clear indication of whether you’re an omnivert or an ambivert. Ambiverts tend to be more emotionally stable because of their natural balance. They’re easily adaptable to any situation, making the emotional transition easier for them to do.

Omniverts, on the other hand, are significantly more reactive and so swing back and forth between emotional stability. Their reactions are highly dependent on the mode they’re currently in, but their emotional response will be more extreme.

How Socially Balanced Are You?

Ambiverts look normal when they socialise. They don’t seem to be extreme in any direction and appear to be more balanced or steadfast. Even when an ambivert is extroverted, they seem to look like the same person.

Omniverts tend to be seen as inconsistent and are often misunderstood, especially since both extremes lend themselves to act very differently in various situations. The lack of balance contributes to how omniverts are perceived in social settings.

Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

Ambiverts don’t avoid social interactions, but they also don’t actively look for them. When these personalities socialize, they tend to be with the same people over and over again regardless of feeling introverted or extroverted.

The difference for omniverts here has to do with the way they surround themselves with different groups of people depending on their personality at the time. An omnivert will look for the party people when they’re in extrovert mode. If they’re in introvert mode, they may choose to be alone or only with a select one or two people.

friends sitting on the rocks near a mountain

Ambiverts vs. Omniverts: Challenges and Benefits

Omniverts sometimes find themselves having to explain their behavior, and it can be difficult for others to understand why they spend a good amount of time alone every day after being so social on Saturday night. It’s also more challenging for them to develop long-term friendships because most people tend to be either introverts or extroverts.

If you’re an ambivert, your ability to interact with people in a myriad of ways gives you the potential to excel both socially and professionally. Studies show that ambiverts are naturally adept at influencing others because they can speak with authority and also be great listeners.

Introverts like deep and meaningful conversations. Omniverts may not always appear to want such conversations because they switch quickly from one topic to another. Omnivert introversion can make them appear aloof or even rude at times, but it doesn’t mean they don’t want to connect with people. It takes time for omniverts to warm up, and they typically do so by sharing little bits of information as a way to gauge the situation around them before opening up.

two friends hugging at a party

Ambiverts and Omniverts in Relationships

When it comes to relationships, ambiverts are the ones that struggle the most. The emotional stability their personality tries to maintain can get shattered in a relationship when feelings develop between two people.

Ambiverts also tend to be very thoughtful of others first and themselves second. They seek out people who can make them feel comfortable in social settings because they don’t enjoy going out all the time or being around a lot of people.

Omniverts are much more spontaneous in their social interactions and do not need anyone to go out with them for a night of drinking or partying. They will go by themselves. Omniverts are full of energy and excitement that people need to be around them, or they can end up getting into trouble very quickly. 

Ambiverts make a great first impression, but it is hard for them to maintain long-lasting relationships because they are too sensitive and do not know how to handle their feelings. They can go from one extreme of being extremely happy and hyperactive to the other extreme of being extremely sad and depressed. This is difficult for ambiverts because of their inherent inclination to emotional stability.

Ambiverts are very sensitive but also, at times, act like they are not. They can be very clingy and demanding at times without being aware of it either. This is because Ambiverts have the ability to go from happy to sad in a matter of minutes if their needs are not met, or they do not get what they want.

Omniverts have extreme feelings that alternate between being extremely happy one minute and extremely sad the next. They love their social life but, at times, can be very insecure. Insecure people cannot maintain healthy relationships because they get into a relationship too quickly and expect the other person to take care of them when in return, they don’t do it back. Omniverts are high-energy people that go from one extreme to another without realizing it. 

Omniverts are very sensitive and seek out people who can deal with their unusual patterns, and they also sometimes do not function well alone, so they need someone to take care of them during emotional extremes.

Ambiverts tend to be good at relationships because they are neither overly needy nor show up as too independent, which can scare people off. Ambiverts are super passionate about whatever they choose to do, but that comes with the price of their moods changing so much sometimes people around them see it as annoying and difficult to deal with.

Ambiverts tend to be very friendly and have a positive attitude towards everyone because they feel that everyone needs a friend. They are very social people who enjoy being around people but still need time alone to recharge.

Ambiverts tend to be better partners because they can understand their own emotions as well as those of the other person which helps them from going from one extreme to another at a fast rate. They are very understanding people, which makes them better at relationships because they will not try to change the other person. Instead, they will work with the other person in order to make both people happy.

woman covering her face with a notebook

Which One Are You?

People can be introverts one day and extroverts another – the exact opposite is also true. There are no right or wrong answers, only different approaches to situations. The most important thing to remember is that everyone has an introversion and extroversion spectrum. Use these questions to guide your exploration of your personality traits.

Ambiverts view themselves as normal or average, whereas omniverts can see themselves as either very introverted or very extroverted, but not both at the same time. Ambiverts are more emotionally stable because they’re easily adaptable to any situation. Omniverts tend to be more reactive and swing back and forth between emotional stability. They react depending on their mode (introvert or extrovert).

Chances are that after reviewing these questions and analyzing yourself, you’ll identify with one over the other. You may also see these characteristics in someone you care about. Neither is better than the other as they both have strengths and weaknesses. If you understand or can relate to one over the other, the better off, you’ll be in understanding yourself and the way you relate to the world around you.

Can you change your type?

Depending on your inner core being, and the objectives which you strongly desire, it is indeed possible to change or adapt your type to be more aligned with your inner self. This process does take a bit of practice and guidance, while it can offer great benefits in discovering a whole new side of yourself.

For example, if you consider yourself a bit shy, but really dream of public speaking to communicate your message, with a plan and some effort you can master the art of being more extraverted. This will help you to achieve your goal, and you will feel good about yourself when making such an accomplishment. For a better knowledge about how each personality type seeks for goals and success visit our ultimate guide to the 16 personality types.

To get a more definitive answer, it’s important to talk with an experienced coach or mentor. Sign up for an Action Call and we’re happy to help you, right from the first free call.

Want to master the power of your personality? I’m here to help. Click here now and request your free personality coaching session with me.